Thursday, September 10, 2009

Leaving it all behind

I think there has to be a need for everyone to try and see the humor in life. If not for finding the humor in stressful situations, I think there would be much more violence in the world. Today’s fast paced world leaves little time for relaxing and forgetting the stress of everyday life. It’s almost impossible to know when to plan a time for letting it all go. It seems like when you're busy all the time, planning a time to relax is the only way it will happen. When starved for relaxation, it seems like a no brainer to try something different. Seeing stressful situations as humorous can make a bad situation into something that could end up being one that you will remember as a high point in your life. It could have the potential to make you realize that anger just makes things even more stressful.

Anger can not only affect you in a non healthy way but can also affect the people around you. Have you ever noticed that laughter can be very contagious? It’s very hard to be mad at someone that makes you laugh. Do you believe that a person’s mood can have an effect on the people around them? Karma is defined by me as whatever vibe you put out in the world reflects off others and comes back to you. I believe this is true and have proven it to myself on many occasions. A perfect example would be when someone aggressively confronts you in an angry manor. The first instinct you have is to defend yourself. This situation can soon anger you, but if someone initiates a conversation, in a friendly joking manor, you tend to let your defenses down and relax. Putting humor out into the world will only benefit the world as long as it is done in a good way. Humiliating someone else may seem funny at times but only sends negative energy into the world.

Sending positive energy and good vibes into the world has an almost magnetic effect on positive energy. Every situation you encounter could potentially become a positive one, if dealt with in a positive way. This can be very hard to do. Many people are set in their ways and use negative energy to make themselves feel better. Yes, anger can be a good stress reliever but can also come back to haunt you when you are having a good day. So even if a person’s negative actions don’t have repercussions right away, they can still ruin your day at another time and place. To me there is nothing worse than re-living a bad day.

Letting anger and hostility control you is a sure way to secure the same stressful outcome every time. I think everyone has an image of who they want to be, echoing inside their mind. It’s just a matter of pointing this reflection of yourself in the right direction. A reflection only needs a small eyelet to glimmer through. Laughter is the counterpart to stress and anger. It needs only a small breach to seep out and induce you into leaving it all behind.


  1. Mike this is really awesome writing! Lately I have been trying to work on my attitude, a lot has been going on in my life, making it hard for me to be happy at times. Reading these kinds of messages really helps me stay in a positive mindset so thanks for putting this out here!

  2. Mike, this post is great! You are really good at writing, and getting your message out. I couldn't agree more with what you are saying. It seems with so much going on in the world, people should be focusing thier energy on positive things. Humor is imporant in my everyday, because I don't believe in sweating the small stuff.

  3. i really enjoyed reading your post! Your writing is great and the content of your post is even better. I think that was a good topic you wrote about and you wrote about it very well. And i would have to agree with you, i believe laughter and humor can turn any situatuon around.
