Monday, February 21, 2011


Life seems to signal certain people down roads that are destine to be driven. Once steered towards, these paths in life seem impossible to veer from. When looked back on, most situations in life could have turned in another direction if done so at an earlier stage in life. Some seemingly destine paths, may have been avoided and never traveled. Other times in life people are repelled from a life changing route which later blocks the exhilarating conclusion of their dreams. Good or bad, forks in the road are an inevitable occurrence. Choosing our fate is just a thought away. Most don’t realize that the quick casual decisions made today could have been a methodical move in the crossroads of destiny.

Crossroads are a repetitive theme in our map of fate. A flat endlessly straight highway is the smoothest less risky road but never slowing down to turn could have been the turn our dreams have yearned for. The safe route may look the best on the map but once traveled the return trip may be a less attainable destination. With safety, comes security and with security comes the feeling of entrapment. Detouring from the sanctuary of a controllable life appears to be the more hazardous venture but in fact may be the predetermined road that was designated for travel.

Whether chosen or forced, detours must be taken at one time or another. Choosing to do so can be self-fulfilling when all goes well yet dead ends are the sacrifice one gambles with. Wagers are made when fate is disguised. Educated guesses and trusting in ourselves are the only premonitions that will help foretell our fate. When road blocks occur we are given a choice of directions or forced into the unknown. The unknown destination is where true fate lies.

Never forget that no matter how hard fate pushes us, we are still left with numerous crossroads that can change our destiny. When all else fails, always remember the U-turn is there for all to try and turn fate around. We choose our own fate with the exception of when our fate is chosen for us. Destiny is controlled mostly by the decisions we make today. So never forget that the methodical decisions of yesterday are what propelled our fate into what it is today.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Inner Code

I believe everyone should have and follow an inner code to live by. Not having a code or inner set of rules to follow can lead to chaos. Regulating a proper response to any situation can make life easier. This is known by many names such as the law, rules, policy, a system, and a code. It doesn’t matter what anyone calls it because the fact is that there are still codes in life that everyone must follow. Whether forced on us, learned, or made up, every one of us has at least a few codes they follow.

Most codes and rules are forced on us the day we are born. Governments, schools, businesses, and even are parents and family all pressure us into following their codes. Many of these codes are good for us yet there are many others that are a matter of personal choice. Most inner codes fall within the personal choice category.

Everyone has a different option on what’s right and wrong. Not all laws and rules are justified 100% of the time. This is where an inner code becomes necessary and personal choice comes into play. Everyone learns right and wrong in a different manner and must make up their own inner code based on past life experiences.

Life experiences are what force us to follow our own inner code in order to keep us from making repeated mistakes in life. Not having an inner code when it is needed is the time that most people wish that they had one. It’s never too late to make one but never forget that it will be way too late to get one once you need one.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Excepting Responsibility

It seems that a lot of people don’t want to accept responsibility for their actions. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t witness this first hand or at least hear about it happening. Blaming others for your actions is a way of never having to admit that you did anything wrong. I think people feel they must do this in order to make themselves feel confident in their daily decisions. This is wrong in many ways yet for most people it is part of their everyday lives.

I never really thought about why not excepting responsibility was wrong until I had kids. When my kids reached a certain age they wanted answers to why things are the way the way are. I would tell them when they did something wrong that they had to tell me about it and they would answer with the simple question of “why”. As a parent, I realized that the answers I gave them would mold them into the adult they would become. It was then that the true meaning of why not accepting responsibility came to me. If you never admit that you did anything wrong then you will never learn from your mistakes.

Mistakes happen for a reason, which makes it ok to make a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes at one time or another. How mistakes are dealt with is the key to avoiding making the same mistake twice. After all, that’s why we study history. Always try to remember that when a mistake is made excepting responsibility is the only correct way to deal with it or another mistake will be made.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Someone to Depend On

Something everyone needs, but can’t always count on, is someone to depend on. From birth we are destine to depend on others for many different things. Certain people can be counted on for certain things at certain times. There are many different reasons to depend on others. Many may count on you, just as you count on them. Nobody is one-hundred percent dependable accept the voice inside that you call yours.

No matter how hard someone tries, they can never be one-hundred percent dependable. It seems strange that we all know this yet we still put our faith in others to be there when we need them. Having someone reliable will make for a good life and is the main reason most people don’t lose faith in others. This is not always the case once trust is lost.

When dependability is lost, trust and faith go with it. Many realize that some can only be trusted for certain things. Most of the time, it’s just the beginning of a total loss of faith. A decline in dependability is usually the signal that flags are defenses into action. There is only one person that will always be there and can never leave.

The one you silently talk to and depend on everyday is the only one who will be there every single day. Have faith in the reliable one that’s always by your side. You may know this person by the three different names but only you will know their name. Me, myself, and I are the ones who never leave. Never forget that they are permanently by your side and that you will always have someone to depend on.

Friday, November 27, 2009


Something in everyone’s life that nobody enjoys is the stress of everyday life. Some are lucky enough to have very little of it in their lives, while others can’t seem to hide from it. There are many different ways of dealing with it but very few that can totally cure it. The more you relax the faster it can sneak up on you and remind you that you must always keep your guard up in order to defend against it. Since you can’t stop it, the best you can hope for is learning to control it or at least minimize its affects.

Letting things not get to you can be a good start to dealing with stress but can also be something that could potentially blow up on you at a later time. Pretending it will go away is a tactic that will make things much worse when stressful problems reach their boiling point. Dealing with problems before they escalate is a solution that most must learn on their own. Once learned, it seems to be an effective way of minimizing the intense stress that most of us hate.

Minimizing stress is a very good way of controlling the intensity of this permanent parasite. Since it will never leave for good, the best solution is to meet it head on. Having the confidence to do so will give any outcome the feeling of doing what was necessary to alleviate the situation. Controlling the intensity of how stress affects each person is the best anyone can hope for. Looking ahead in life can help foresee potential situations that could minimize stress, far in advance of its arrival, and that’s the best anyone could hope for when dealing with stress.

Friday, November 20, 2009


There comes a time in everyone’s life when the time to become responsible suddenly stares them in the face. It starts at a very young age and becomes more intense the older you get. Sometimes it can be a seemingly small situation and other times it can be a life changing event. There are many different approaches to take when faced with it, yet it seems to never leave you alone. Growing up, we all learn what responsibility is but most don’t realize while they are young that it is something that must be dealt with their whole lives. Making the decision of when to take action and having the motivation to do so are the forces that must go hand in hand with responsibility.

The decision of when to take action depends on many different factors that can be different for every individual. How you grew up, the type of person that you have become, and the ramifications of the aftermath can all take its place in the decisions made for any responsible action. Some decisions will be very clear and others will balance between right and wrong. The answer can only be found from within.

Motivating yourself to become more responsible is one of the biggest factors in becoming a more responsible person. Without the will to become responsible it very seldom happens. Responsibility is a choice and motivating yourself to make the right choice is the key to success. When motivation moves in it should not be just for personal reasons but rather for doing the responsible thing that yourself and others can also respect.

Responsibility can be done at many different levels that all depend on who you are inside. Not making responsible decisions can have consciences that not only affect your personal life but can also affect the people around you. Motivating yourself to make responsible decisions is the key to success and should never be forgotten.

Friday, November 13, 2009


There comes a time in everyone’s life when motivation is hard to come by. The will to motivate seems to hover at different levels for the numerous times it is needed. Finding the correct formula to motivate yourself is a seemingly impossible task at times yet for some reason most people have no problem motivating others. Motivation is the key ingredient needed to make success and dreams become reality and must be captured in order to move forward.

Whether dreamt or foreseen, almost everyone knows where they would like their lives to settle at. It seems easy when you know where you want to be yet the will to stick will the path makes wondering into a ritualistic vacation. Resting after grinding down an endless path has a healing affect that is a necessity but seems to have a draining effect on motivation.

The recipe for motivation is different for every person and situation. Some can only find it from deep within them self’s and others need help to pull it from within. When answers surface, motivation is more likely to ascend with them. Answers help light the path but not all paths will be clearly lit.

Whether life’s path is clear or pitch black, motivation is what fuels the force within to move forward. Finding which path to take is the beginning of the journey but motivation is what delivers you to your destination.