Friday, October 30, 2009


Decisions are a part of everyday life that will be made many times a day. Some can be put off until a later time but others must be made on the spot with no time to contemplate the repercussions. Sometimes not making a decision or not doing anything is the temporary answer to the problems we faces. No matter what the course of action decisions must be made. Whether good, bad, or put off until a later time they will always be a part of life.

Good decisions are what everyone hopes they will make their entire lives. Making the right decisions can make life into what dreams are made of. Self confidence and well being can be the direct result of making the right decision. Life will seem to be made for the taking when everything goes in a positive direction. The fear for making the wrong decision will drift to the back of one’s mind.

Bad decisions are what put the fear of deciding into everyone’s mind. Life changes to a seemingly uncontrollable disaster. Lack of control is what everyone fears when making decisions. Control can be very hard to take back when the wrong decisions are made. Only good decisions can relinquish the hold that bad decisions can imprison one with. Well thought out decisions can help neutralize the fear of making the wrong decision.

Putting off decisions can help make the right decision more easily accessible. Waiting to find the right answer to a problem is not always an option. Whenever possible, putting decisions off until they are well thought out seems to be the safer bet when gambling with life. Time can change a decision before it is ever made which can make putting off decisions into a bad decision in some circumstances. Putting off decisions is usually the first decision made when contemplating the possible results of any situation.

Whether good, bad, or put off decisions are part of life. Every individual life is different so no answer will be right or wrong for each person. Each individual will know after the decision is made whether it was a good or bad decision. No matter what decision is made everyone must live and learn from the aftermath of this everyday occurrence.

Friday, October 23, 2009

From The Beginning

Looking back on how my past has brought me to this point in life has made me realize it was not just the decisions I have made but also my surroundings that have brought me to where I am today. By my surrounding I mean, not just my direct surroundings, but also the time line I grew up in, the country, state and town, and my family. Family is whom you start your life with and is where ones destiny begins. When conceived you’re either lucky, content, or just plain screwed from the start.

Looking at these three choices, lucky seems to be the best but is it really the best. I’ve meet people that were born into what seemed like the perfect life. They never had to worry about money and always had everything they ever wanted. When I was younger I thought that someday having a life like theirs was what I wanted. Now I realize that being born lucky is not something I would have wanted in life. Why would I say that? Because never having to work for what you want makes a person weak in my opinion.

Just plain screwed from the start is the less wanted of the three. It seems to be the most common beginning for most people’s lives. Starting life with nothing and no breaks in life makes a person fight for everything they have. Self-confidence can be very hard to come by. Feeling trapped in a world that appears to be impossible to escape from. Money is not always the boundaries that entraps. Many situations can feel imprisoning enough to mark the boundaries of one’s life. Breaking through a seemingly impossible barrier will make a person feel like anything is possible yet the past will always remind them of the importance of every decision.

Growing up in a content life is the fulcrum point that balances between lucky and screwed. Advantages and disadvantages are in their hands and must be controlled by the holder of a content life. No one else can be blamed for failure but others can be credited for success. A person can truly control their life while sitting on the fulcrum of destiny.

No matter where one’s life begins, the future is controlled by ones level of inner strength. Only they can make the decisions that can control the start of a new beginning.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Invisible Rules

It seems that in todays fast pace world that the average person has two career options when it comes to being successful. Either getting a job and working your way up or going to college for certifications and degrees. Just getting a job first has its advantages, such as getting payed while you learn on the job. Another would be having set rules that are supposed to be enforced for all workers. Even though not all people have the same set of rules, there are still rules. College on the other hand definitely has many gray areas. Teachers tend to have their own individual sets of rules and systems for the different classes that they teach. Workers and students also have rules and expectations that they expect their employers and teachers to follow.

A lot of teachers and bosses don’t feel any responsibility towards these expectations. Workers have much less say in any type of rules unless they are part of a union. Students on the other hand should have more say in the way classes are conducted. After all, they are the customers and are paying for classes that are meant to prepare them for the skilled jobs they are working towards. I have heard the saying “the customer is always right” many times. In the case of teachers, this rule has got thrown out or flushed somewhere along the way. This doesn’t mean that teachers must conform to each student’s demands but that expectations of the class as a whole should be met. The expectations I am speaking of are what I feel most students expect when enrolling for a class.

In speech class I was told that speakers must not assume what an audience knows about their subject and must explain everything in detail. A lot of teachers just assume that students know everything about a class. Even when certain material wasn’t covered or even in that class’s book. If students knew everything before a class started then there would be no need for teachers. Another necessary expectation that teachers should be required to meet is that grades and feedback should be given in a timely fashion. Teachers that give little to no feedback or wait until the end of the semester are giving students anxiety about their unknown progress or lack of progress.

Not all teachers ignore these expectations. Most of the time it’s the students that don’t do what’s required of them. The difference is that students are paying to be in class and are penalized for not doing so. Just because many work places have misplaced standards doesn’t mean that students should have to be shuffled through college like an outdated assembly line. Rules and standards for student’s expectations shouldn’t be the unwritten invisible rules that they have ended up as. Instead they should be an overwhelming necessity.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Life seems to signal certain people down roads that are destine to be driven. Once steered towards, these paths in life seem impossible to veer from. When looked back on, most situations in life could have turned in another direction if done so at an earlier stage in life. Some seemingly destine paths, may have been avoided and never traveled. Other times in life people are repelled from a life changing route which later blocks the exhilarating conclusion of their dreams. Good or bad, forks in the road are an inevitable occurrence. Choosing your own fate is just a thought away. Most don’t realize that the quick casual decisions made today could have been a methodical move in the crossroads of destiny.

Crossroads are a repetitive theme in our map of fate. A flat endlessly straight highway is the smoothest less risky road but never slowing down to turn could have been the turn your dreams have yearned for. The safe route may look the best on the map but once traveled the return trip will be a less attainable destination. With safety, comes security and with security comes the feeling of entrapment. Detouring from the sanctuary of a controllable life appears to be the more hazardous venture but in fact may be the predetermined road that was designated for travel.

Whether chosen or forced, detours must be taken at one time or another. Choosing to do so can be self-fulfilling when all goes well yet dead ends are the sacrifice one gambles with. Wagers are made when fate is disguised. Educated guesses and trusting in ourselves are the only premonitions that will help foretell our fate. When road blocks occur we are given a choice of directions or forced into the unknown. The unknown destination is where true fate lies.

Never forget that no matter how hard fate pushes us, we are still left with numerous crossroads that can change our destiny. When all else fails, always remember the U-turn is there for all to try and turn fate around. We choose our own fate with the exception of when our fate is chosen for us. Destiny is controlled mostly by the decisions we make today. So never forget that the methodical decisions of yesterday are what propelled your fate into what it is today.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Seasonal Wonders

It’s that time of year again. Summer is over, now it’s time to get ready to move your life indoors. There are some outdoor winter activities that are fun to do but not as many as in the summer. Winter is the price we pay for not having as many things around that can kill us. Just think if summer never ended we would have malaria, alligators, killer bees, venomous snakes, poisonous insects, and sharks. Yes sharks, bull sharks have been known to swim hundreds of miles up fresh water rivers. I learned this last winter watching the Discovery Channel while waiting for summer to come. It’s just nature’s way of evening out the number of dangers we face. Would you rather wear extra cloths or face death in the form of animals and insects? See, winter is good for something.

Something most people don’t realize about winter is how it slows their fast paced lives down. Indoor life can be very relaxing. Long nights just seem made for sleeping in and watching TV. Facing the bitter cold in the heart of winter, makes your couch and a blanket into the best option you have. Even when you do go out in the winter it seems everything slows down. Traffic, people walking and wildlife all bring their lives down a notch. Quality time with others is at a premium. Maybe that’s why we haven’t moved somewhere warm to avoid winter. Everyone needs a time to wind down from life every once in a while but months at a time are way too extreme. If only winter was shorter and not as cold all the time.

I think most people that have felt a fifty below wind chill, have thought about what it would be like to never feel that painful feeling again. Just the thought of frost bite makes me realize how impossible it is to find the good in winter when I know what winter will bring in the upcoming months. Long boring nights filled with short freezing days. The steering feeling of knowing cabin fever is only a short time away. Shoveling heavy wet snow, just so I can get a small amount of traction in order not to break my neck walking to the car. Is it worth the trade off?

After hours of contemplation, I have come to the conclusion that winter sucks 95 percent of the time. The trade off is just not worth it. I would rather take my chances with the dangers associated with warm weather. I have always felt that way but feel the need to at least try to see the best in it. To me winter would be a nice place to visit from time to time, just not every day for months at a time. The only good I can seriously find in being stuck in another winter is that someday I will be able to just visit it. Until then I will never be able to shake the words that comes to mind when I think of winter “IT FREAKIN SUCKS”.